Friday, January 9, 2015

Winterizing your home

It’s beginning to look a lot like Winter

We haven’t seen much in the way of snow or ice around my house this winter. Most people believe ice and snow are the ultimate hazards of winter. They can be very dangerous, but there are many other dangers to you and your home during cold weather.  Frozen pipes can happen over-night.  An unused/unclean fire place can quickly turn into a damaging fire.  And don’t forget about your car. Liquids freeze, even in your car.
There are precautions you can take that can save you money and pain (physical and mental!)
·         Winterize your home
o   Install weather stripping.
o   Cover outside faucets and pipes.
o   Inspect and clean your fireplace- before you use it.
o   Test smoke detector batteries. (This should be done monthly regardless of the weather)
o   Keep kitty litter for icy porches and sidewalks. Let’s avoid slips and falls on ice!
·         Winterize your car
o   Keep the gas tank full. This will help avoid ice building up in the take and fuel lines
o   Make sure your car is in good working condition. You don’t want to get stranded in the cold.
·         Other precautions
o   Keep an emergency kit for your home. Include a weather radio, flashlight, batteries, snacks…
o   Keep your phone fully charged when you leave the house. You want to be able to make an emergency call if necessary.

o   Take a friend when participating in any outdoor activities in the snow. If you get stranded or hurt, someone is there to help. 

If you have any questions about your home, auto or business insurance, email Brockman Premier Insurance or call 877-987-8683
Be sure to visit our website!