Beware of Fall Beauty!
Fall is my favorite time of year. The weather cools off. Bye bye triple degree heat! The leaves change into the most glorious colors. And the animals come out to play. With this beautiful time of year, comes dangers we need to stay aware of.
As the weather turns colder, we start turning on space heaters and fire places. Old space heaters with faulty wiring often lead to house fires. Take a few minutes and go over your space heaters as you pull them down from the attic. Make sure they are in good shape- before you use them. If you love to sit by a roaring fire, check the flue. Leaves can cause an unpredictable fire. Animals may have crawled in. It is best to have a professional clean your chimney annually. But if you don't want to call a professional, at least open up the flue and check with a flash light yourself. You should have a scheduled fall maintenance on your furnace annually as well.
Our neighborhood is absolutely beautiful in the fall when all of the trees turn orange and red, before the leaves all fall. But as those leaves fall, they can be a hazard. They can cover the street, hiding debris you need to avoid. If it rains, these leaves can cause the roads to be slippery. Leaves can retain quite a bit of water. Slow down if you come up on a large patch of leaves on a road or street.
Falling leaves can also accumulate in your gutters around your house. This can cause damage to your roof and to your home if the runoff water accumulates and floods at awkward points. Clean your gutters at the beginning of the season and check them regularly throughout the season.
Also, as the air turns chilly, frost can settle in overnight. This can also cause streets to be slippery, especially on bridges where the road is more exposed. Drive with caution!
As the weather cools, animals come out more frequently. If you live near areas where deer roam, they can jump right out in front of you without any notice. Studies show it is actually more dangerous to you and your car to swerve away from a deer (or any other animal). You are likely to hit a tree or lamp post. Or even another car. It isn't advice that proves helpful to the deer, but it can save you money and perhaps your life or the life of someone else.
As it gets colder, many animals will try to get into your home for the warmth and protection from the weather. Check your roof line for holes. Check your roof for needed repairs to keep these unwanted animals out of your home.
Also, as it gets colder, remember to insulate your outdoor pipes. You can buy styrofoam insulation at home supply stores. I have also seen people cover faucets in shirts or socks. You will also want to drip your indoor faucets when the temperature hits freezing or below. It doesn't take much to protect your pipes and it can save you thousands of dollars in repairs.
A little awareness can go a long way to protecting you, your family, your home and your cars. Hopefully you have the correct insurance coverage in case you need it. But isn't it better to protect yourself and not need to use the insurance?
Thanks for reading!
Nancy Brockman, Owner
Brockman Premier Insurance
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