Stop! Identity Thief!
Identity theft is a very lucrative business these days. It is the fastest growing crime. An estimated 15 million people have their identity stolen each year. These thieves are making out well, to the tune of $50 billion annually! But there are ways to safeguard against this type of theft.- Order your credit report annually and verify the information. There are 3 national credit repositories you can do this through: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
- Guard your Social Security number. Keep it in a safe and secured place. (Your wallet is NOT a safe and secured place!) Check you Social Security Earnings and Benefits statement each year and make sure it is accurate and no one is using it for employment. A home safe is a good idea for all important documents.
- Protect your mail from theft. Mail outgoing bills from the post office collection boxes. Years ago we had a water bill taken from our mail box and within a month, there had been over $10,000 in fraudulent checks written on our account. If you don't have someone who can pick up your mail daily, have it held at the post office if you are away.
- Destroy documents before you throw them away. You can buy a personal shredder for as low as $25. Shredding your personal documents can save you much more than $25!
- Be careful shopping online. This one is tough to manage. Online shopping is expected to gross over $240 billion this year. The convenience of shopping online is a great draw. Even if you stick to companies you know and trust, data breaches happen. Minimize your online shopping.
- Open and question those "Congratulations! you are approved!" letters from credit card companies. Often you are receiving it because someone opened an account in your name. By the time you receive that, a thief may have already spent thousands of dollars on that card you never even applied for.

High School and College students are a growing group vulnerable to identity theft. They do everything online these days. Posting personal photos and information on social media is an easy way to have your identity stolen. College students are easily seduced into getting their own credit cards. Talk to your students about watching their statements for accuracy.

If you have your identity stolen, check out how to Recover from Identity Theft.
There is more to recovery than you may know.
If you have questions, please contact Brockman Premier Insurance.
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