Thursday, February 21, 2013

DUI and Insurance rates

Will a DUI Affect Your Rates? You Bet!

 Drinking and driving can take you down many roads, everyone of them, risky. You could be pulled over which can result in a breath test. You can refuse to submit to the breath test and have your license immediately taken from you and suspended for 6 mos. You can submit to the breath test and end up with a DUI that will follow you for years. Your night could end in a crash, with you and/or someone else in the hospital. Or worse, in the morgue. That will follow you around for life.
   Our moral responsibility, as decent human beings, is evident.  But people make mistakes, thinking "it will never happen to me" or "I can handle it".  I want you to think about the practical consequences of drinking and driving. 
  A DUI will show up on employment back ground checks and insurance history reports for years to come. You will have to pay fines for 3 years, have your license suspended and possibly spend 6 mos in jail. That is if it is your first offense. The penalties increase with each offense. If you are drinking and driving with a child in the car, it is a felony and you will immediately lose your license for an undetermined amount of time. The penalties can also vary, depending on the amount of alcohol in your system.
   Auto insurance rates can increase as much as 4 times after a DUI. It is the most expensive motor vehicle offense you can have (in more ways than just insurance rates!) You will be required to obtain an SR-22, which will notify the state if you have lost your insurance. You must maintain it for at least 2 years. This will automatically place you in higher risk tier for all insurance. It can affect Home insurance rates as well, because you are an all around bad risk with the DUI on your record. At the bare minimum, you will see these increased rates for 3 years. Most likely they will remain on there longer, although the severity will decrease with time.
Please consider these consequences the next time you go drinking.
Designate a driver who will not drink. Don't become a statistic!
Thanks for reading!
Nancy Brockman

Please contact  The Brockman Agency for quotes and answers to your questions about Home, Auto and Commercial insurance. We partner with 20 carriers, so we do the shopping for you!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Life insurance

Why Should You Buy Life Insurance?

   You owe it to your family to make sure they are taken care of.  It is the one thing no one really likes to think about. What happens when you die? I don't mean spiritually- I mean the more practical question of what happens to your family when you die? Will they be able to continue living the way they have? Will your spouse have to go to work, or will they have to hire child care? Will they be able to afford to live in the same house, with the same means as when you were alive
   These questions must be asked and answered to help ensure your family will taken care of after your death. A good rule of thumb is to decide what it would cost for the family to continue living within their means until the last child graduates from college. Keep in mind the cost of college and what the remaining spouse would need to live on until their death.
  Life Insurance is made for this situation. There are many choices for you. There are different types you can buy with different benefits:
Term Life Insurance will cover your for a specific amount, at a specific premium for a specific amount of time. For example; you may buy a $1million policy for $1000 annually that will last for 10 years. At the end of the 10 years, the policy is done. If you die during the 10 years, it pays out the death benefit. If you don't, it ends. Unless you buy a Convertible Term policy. These can be converted in whole or in part into a Permanent Life insurance policy. Usually, Term insurance is the best option to get the most benefit for the least amount of premium.
Permanent Life Insurance will cover you for your lifetime, as long as you continue to pay the premiums. Often it also has an investment component- savings built into the policy. You can borrow against the "cash value" as you build it up. The premiums on these are much higher than Term insurance. There are also surrender charges during the first several years, making it costly to cancel the policy. 

   You should talk with an insurance agent about what you need, want and can afford. Everyone's situation is different. But it is very important to sit down with your spouse and decide what would need to be in place if something happened to one of you. It is not a fun discussion, but it is necessary to ensure your family is taken care of in the event of your death. 

 Thank you for reading!
 Nancy Brockman  

  As always, if you have questions or concerns about your Home, Auto or Commercial insurance, please call toll free 877-987-8683 or click

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Teen Driving

Is Your Teen a Safe Driver?    

  There are all types of dances and parties for my senior this semester. So I thought I would do a little research. Motor Vehicle crashes remain the No. 1 cause of death among teens.  For the mother of a 17 year old driver, that is a scary statistic.
  The top 3 reasons for teen accidents?
* Not understanding how to detect and respond to road hazards. 
* Going too fast for road conditions, most frequently in bad weather and around curves.
*Being distracted. Teen passengers and cell phones have proven to be the top 2 reasons for
fatal teen crashes.
   The fatal crash rate for drivers, aged 16-19, is four times higher than for drivers, aged 25-69.
The male teen driver death rate is 2 to 1 over females.  You will see this reflected in the premiums when you add your teen to your policy.   Teens are most at risk in the first 6 months of having their license.
   Over 20% of fatal teen crashed involve drinking, a number that has decreased significantly over the last 20 years, according to a CNN report. It is still a major problem among teen drivers. Parents, peers and advocacy groups, like MADD, (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers out of Irving, Tx) have stepped up to tell their loved ones that it is NOT ok to drink and drive. 
   If you have a teen driver, talk to them. Whether they are headed out to a party, a dance or just up the street to a friend's house, let them know your expectations of their behavior while driving. Studies show Parental influence is the largest component of how teens behave while behind the wheel.  
Thank you for reading!
Nancy Brockman  

  As always, if you have questions or concerns about your Home, Auto or Commercial insurance, please call toll free 877-987-8683 or click

Friday, February 8, 2013

Special Events Insurance

Special Events Need Special Insurance

    Many people don't realize you can insure special events, like weddings and dances. Weddings are the most commonly insured special event. The average price of a wedding is $27,000. The price of a Wedding insurance policy can be as low as $100, depending on the amount of insurance necessary. Most policies do not have a deductible.
   Some of the most common causes for canceling or delaying a wedding include:
Sickness or injury, vandalism or theft and extreme weather. Most wedding insurance will cover:
* Sudden illness
* Call to Duty 
*Severe Weather
* Lost rings
* Lost deposits 
* Ruined photos 
 You can buy the policy any time from 2 years to 24 hours prior to the special day.

Thanks for Reading!
Nancy Brockman

 As always, if you have questions or concerns about your Home, Auto or Commercial insurance, please call toll free 877-987-8683 or click



Monday, February 4, 2013

Home Maintenance

Avoid Costly Repairs!

Seasonal maintenance will save you money and protect the investment in your home.  Most of the maintenance is easy and you can do it yourself:
* Check the charge and expiration date on your fire extinguishers. If they are far past the date, consider replacing them. You can purchase them for as low as $25. This would be a small price to pay for possibly saving your home.
* Vacuum your clothes dryer exhaust duct, refrigerator coils and air vents. This can extend the life of your appliances and also save you money. If you want a professional to do this for you, call North Texas Duct Cleaning.
* Test your smoke detectors. You should test your batteries monthly and replace them once a year. Keep them clean- cobwebs and dust can impair their sensitivity.
* Clean and re-seal the grout in your bathrooms and re-caulk all sinks, toilets and tubs. Mold and rot can cause great damage your insurance may not cover. If you have never done this type of work before, check out This Old House for D I Y tutorials.
* Clean your kitchen. Check for ways to clean and reseal your tile. Try this trick to check the seals on your refrigerator- Put a bill in the door and close it. If you can pull the bill out easily with the door closed, it is time to replace the seals on the door.
* Change your HVAC filters once a season. Reports show the air in your home maybe up to 5x worse than the air outside. If you have allergies, this can greatly improve your quality of life inside!
* Many of us do Spring Cleaning through our closets. How about the Pantry and Medicine cabinet? Throw out anything past the expiration date.  Food and Medicine left past expiration dates can rot, leak and smell.
If something is still good, but you know your family will not eat it, donate the items to a local area Food Bank.

Use these easy maintenance tips to keep your Home in the best shape possible for now, while you enjoy it.  And for later when you want to sell it.

Thanks for Reading!
Nancy Brockman

 As always, if you have questions or concerns about your Home, Auto or Commercial insurance, please call toll free 877-987-8683 or click