Monday, February 4, 2013

Home Maintenance

Avoid Costly Repairs!

Seasonal maintenance will save you money and protect the investment in your home.  Most of the maintenance is easy and you can do it yourself:
* Check the charge and expiration date on your fire extinguishers. If they are far past the date, consider replacing them. You can purchase them for as low as $25. This would be a small price to pay for possibly saving your home.
* Vacuum your clothes dryer exhaust duct, refrigerator coils and air vents. This can extend the life of your appliances and also save you money. If you want a professional to do this for you, call North Texas Duct Cleaning.
* Test your smoke detectors. You should test your batteries monthly and replace them once a year. Keep them clean- cobwebs and dust can impair their sensitivity.
* Clean and re-seal the grout in your bathrooms and re-caulk all sinks, toilets and tubs. Mold and rot can cause great damage your insurance may not cover. If you have never done this type of work before, check out This Old House for D I Y tutorials.
* Clean your kitchen. Check for ways to clean and reseal your tile. Try this trick to check the seals on your refrigerator- Put a bill in the door and close it. If you can pull the bill out easily with the door closed, it is time to replace the seals on the door.
* Change your HVAC filters once a season. Reports show the air in your home maybe up to 5x worse than the air outside. If you have allergies, this can greatly improve your quality of life inside!
* Many of us do Spring Cleaning through our closets. How about the Pantry and Medicine cabinet? Throw out anything past the expiration date.  Food and Medicine left past expiration dates can rot, leak and smell.
If something is still good, but you know your family will not eat it, donate the items to a local area Food Bank.

Use these easy maintenance tips to keep your Home in the best shape possible for now, while you enjoy it.  And for later when you want to sell it.

Thanks for Reading!
Nancy Brockman

 As always, if you have questions or concerns about your Home, Auto or Commercial insurance, please call toll free 877-987-8683 or click

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