Is Your Teen a Safe Driver?
There are all types of dances and parties for my senior this semester. So I thought I would do a little research. Motor Vehicle crashes remain the No. 1 cause of death among teens. For the mother of a 17 year old driver, that is a scary statistic.The top 3 reasons for teen accidents?

* Going too fast for road conditions, most frequently in bad weather and around curves.
*Being distracted. Teen passengers and cell phones have proven to be the top 2 reasons for
fatal teen crashes.
The fatal crash rate for drivers, aged 16-19, is four times higher than for drivers, aged 25-69.
The male teen driver death rate is 2 to 1 over females. You will see this reflected in the premiums when you add your teen to your policy. Teens are most at risk in the first 6 months of having their license.
Over 20% of fatal teen crashed involve drinking, a number that has decreased significantly over the last 20 years, according to a CNN report. It is still a major problem among teen drivers. Parents, peers and advocacy groups, like MADD, (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers out of Irving, Tx) have stepped up to tell their loved ones that it is NOT ok to drink and drive.
If you have a teen driver, talk to them. Whether they are headed out to a party, a dance or just up the street to a friend's house, let them know your expectations of their behavior while driving. Studies show Parental influence is the largest component of how teens behave while behind the wheel.
Thank you for reading!
Nancy Brockman
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