Thursday, December 27, 2012

Home insurance premiums

Texas Homeowners pay more for Insurance than any other state.

   A report was released Tuesday by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, stating that Texas homeowners are paying the highest insurance premiums in the US.
The average annual premium in Texas is 3.2% higher than the average premium across the nation.
 Read the entire Insurance Journal article:
 Homeowners Insurance Article
We are in Independent Agency. We quote from over 20 carriers to find you the best rates for the right coverage. Just because Texas has the highest average premium, doesn't mean you have to pay the highest rates. 
If you are looking for home insurance, contact us at The Brockman Agency
We would love to do your insurance shopping for you!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Hazard- Driving in Unfamiliar Areas

Driving in Unfamiliar Areas for the Holidays? Drive them Safely!

Are you visiting family out of town for the Holidays?  Most likely, you want to avoid this Griswold family crash. Driving in unfamiliar areas can be hazardous. You may not know the terrain, the weather or the streets
  * Make sure you limit the distractions. It is just plain stupid to text and drive. It is even more so if you are driving on unfamiliar roads. Many of us have made those drives with kids fighting in the back seat and people arguing over what is on the radio. But it is so important to stay alert and engaged while driving in new places.
   * Know the traffic laws. Do your research before you leave. Some towns have roundabouts, bizarre junctions and different road signs that you are not used to. Know the speed limits as well.
   * Get to know your environment. Will there be icy bridges? Cattle in the streets? Depending on where you go, the environment, including the weather, will dictate how you drive. Take is slower if you are at all unsure of your surroundings. 
   * Have a map, in case your phone's maps app doesn't work. If you haven't spent time in the mountains before, I can tell you - cell reception can dicey.  
   If you get lost, always remember to:
Avoid sudden changes in direction. I would also avoid any illegal manuevers, such as a u-turn on an unfamiliar road
Signal your intentions. This will let other drivers know your intentions. 
Reduce your speed. This will give you more time to identify and respond to unexpected obstacles like fallen debris, potholes and curves in the road.    

   Make sure to add a extra time to your driving plans.  There is nothing more frustrating than getting lost when you are already late! Take that anxiety and it just adds to the hazard of driving in unfamiliar areas!
   Take your auto insurance with you. Even if you are driving a Rental. If you buy the Rental company's insurance, it will cover any mishap you may have. But that rental insurance can be costly. Your own personal insurance will cover your rental should anything happen, but it will count on your accident history. It is up if you want the Rental Insurance

*As always, contact us with any questions or concerns you have for your Home, Auto, Boat or Commercial insurance!    the Brockman Agency

Nancy Brockman 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Hazards- Home Burglary


Bah Humbug!

Burglars love the holidays. Do you know why? They get lots of presents- YOURS, if your aren't careful!
   There are many ways to protect your family's Holiday spoils.
I know your 10 ft tree looks incredible in that front window for everyone to see. And I mean everyone. Burglars are just waiting and watching for people to show them all of their Christmas goodies. Temptation at its best! So please consider putting the tree a little further out of sight.
   Certain items, such as laptops, digital cameras and game systems are very attractive to burglars because they are easy to sell on the black market. Keep them out of sight, preferably upstairs or in a closet. Keep a log of your valuables, with pictures and receipts if you can. This will help you replace them if you are hit by burglars. Insurance companies love this attention to detail!
   Out shopping all over town? Keep those packages in the trunk so they are not as accessible to thieves.
   Burglars watch for families to leave for Christmas parties. Leave lights on in the house and outside when you leave for the evening. Burglars do not like to be in the Light! You can buy inexpensive light switch timers so your lights will go on in the front rooms whether you are home or not. Keep your doors locked - even if you make a quick trip to the store for that last minute pumpkin pie filling. Professional burglars are quick!
   If you go out of town, ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your home. They need to bring in the mail and clean away any ads or fliers left on your door/porch. These are tell tale signs nobody is home. Burglars love it when you go out of town! Keep your hide-a-key in an odd place. Burglars know where to look. You may even want to move several times during the week leading up to you leaving to go out of town. And don't let the world know you are gone by announcing it on your Voice Mail message!
   Last, but not least, don't kick those iPad or Laptop boxes to the curb on the 26th. Cut them up and throw them in the trash cans. Burglar's busy season doesn't end when Christmas is over and done with. They are still on the prowl, looking for those new toys you just got! Continue to take extra precautions- especially if you are going away for New Years.
  Don't let Burglars ruin your Holiday Season!       

As always- please call us if you have any questions about your Home, Auto or Business Insurance!   Let us do the Insurance shopping for you!
Brockman Premier Insurance  toll free 877-987-8683

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Hazard- out of town guests

Host Out of Town Guests Safely

  Ok- you said "Yes" to hosting Christmas this year. Eeeek!
Now take a breath and make a plan. There is a lot to consider when you have out of town guests. Menus, activities and SAFETY! You want to make sure this special time with the aunts, uncles and grandparents isn't messed up by having to rush someone to the hospital.
   Before your guests arrive, look around your house from their point of view. Look for potential hazards ahead of time.  If young children are coming, is your home child proofed? Make sure lighters, matches and any chemicals are out of reach. How about medication? You may to change where you keep your meds. Or if you have children and your guests bring in medication, you need to give them a safe place to keep their things out of your children's reach. Is there a medicine cabinet for medication? a dresser to keep purses on?
   If older Grandparents are coming, where are they sleeping? Can they walk the stairs - or do they need a downstairs bedroom? Hallway night lights are inexpensive and can help insure a safe walk to the bathroom or kitchen in the middle of the night.  Bathtubs and Showers can be dangerous for anyone. Consider putting in non-slip mats in the guest bathrooms.
   Have emergency numbers handy in case of an accident. Make sure your guests know where to find them in case you are the one injured. We keep ours on the side of the refrigerator.
Hopefully you enjoy your time with out of town guests. If not, consider suggesting a near by hotel...
Either way, a little bit of pre-planning can insure everyone's safety during this Holiday Season! 


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Hazards-Decorating Safely

Decorating without Burning the House Down

Each year, fires occurring during the holiday season claim the lives of more than 400 Americans, injure 1,650 more, and cause more than $990 million in damage.
   Candle-related fires are one of the most common holiday home hazards, averaging more than 12,000 each year. So make sure you keep those Advent and Chanukah  candles away from flammable items and blow them out when you leave the room.
   Another  indoor fire hazards this time of year is the Christmas Tree. You want to place the tree at least three feet from any heat source, such as the fire place, a radiator or candles. If you have a an artificial tree, make sure the box is labeled or certified by the manufacturer as Fire-retardant. If you have a real tree, remember a moist tree is less likely to catch fire than a dry one. When selecting your tree, check to see if the needles fall off when touched- this indicates a dry tree. To keep it moist, keep water in the tree stand and check it daily. 
   One of the biggest fire hazards is the fire place. Everyone loves a roaring fire when it is cold out. But it can cause horrible damage if proper care is not taken. Be careful that you hang those stockings with care! Make sure your damper is open and cover your fireplace with a screen or grate. Again- curb that temptation to put the tree next to the fire place. It will make a lovely picture, but the consequences can be deadly. On Christmas morning, grab a garbage bag to throw the wrapping paper in. Tossing it into your fireplace can create enough sparks and embers to start a fire outside the fireplace. 
Decorations help us feel festive during this wonderful time of year. But let's decorate with safety in mind!

   If you do have a fire, get your family out of the house and call 911. Call you insurance company once everyone is safe.

If you have questions about your Homeowner's Insurance, 
please contact us at  The Brockman Agency  or call toll free 877-987-8683

Friday, November 23, 2012

Holiday Hazards- kids and decorating

Holiday Decorations can be 

Hazardous to Your Kids!

We all know kids are attracted to shiny baubles. And Holiday Decorations are full of shiny baubles.
Let's start with the Christmas Tree. If you have toddlers in the home, try to keep the lights and ornaments up higher. They love to grab at things and the tree poses a tipping- over risk. And they love to put things in their mouth. Smaller ornaments low on the tree are a choking hazard  for little ones.
Decorations can pose all types of hazards. Hanukkah and Christmas candles need to be kept out of reach. Tablecloths are a temptation for little hands who like to pull on things. Broken glass/plates, falling hot food and candles are a few of the posibilites. Keep greenery out of reach as well. While Poinsettias are not poisonous, as many believe, Mistletoe berries ARE.
Those wrapped presents are very pretty, but they are choking hazards. Also it is fun to play in those styrofoam peanuts, but they are also just small enough for little ones to put in their mouth.
If you have children under feet in the kitchen, take extra care when moving hot pans, opening the oven or cooking over burners. Our little ones do not know the dangers, but we do.
Keep those babies safe this Holiday Season!

Read a great article to learn more at 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Holiday Hazards- dogs vs Chocolate

Dogs and Chocolate is a Dangerous Combination!

Theobromine, a compound present in chocolate that is toxic to dogs but not humans, could cause a range of symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhea, seizures, coma, or even death. Potential toxic doses vary by breed size and weight, but unsweetened cocoa and baking chocolate pose the highest risk, while milk chocolate is least threatening. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic amount of chocolate, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Centerat 888-426-4435.

Thanks to  This Old House  for this great tip!

Safeguard ALL of your loved ones this season!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Researching Neighborhoods

Research the Neighborhood 

Before You Buy That New Home.

  You have found your dream home. It has a wrap around porch, a lake view and a large open kitchen with windows spanning the entire back of the house. Ok- that is MY dream house. Yours may be different. But either way, you found it. Now comes the decisions. Will it fit your budget? How much will the insurance be? Is it close to family or your job?
But another consideration is the neighborhood the home is in.
Why does that matter? Many factors can cause you to love or hate your neighborhood.
Who lives there? Are there kids in the neighborhood? While this would be a positive factor for some, it would be negative for others. What is the commuting distance for you? Is there shopping, exercise and leisure amenities near? Are these even important to you?
The quality of the neighborhood is important because it will impact your home's appreciation or resale value. Is there a Diverse economy? Communities depending almost entirely on one industry or factory for jobs is a risky neighborhood, economically speaking.
Neighborhood statistics are a good resource. Take a look at Crime, school district ratings, employment data, median income and education levels.
There are many ways to research a neighborhood. The internet is the most convenient way. You can also check out the local library, chamber of commerce and the local newspaper. Visit the neighborhood. Talk to the residents. No one knows a neighborhood better than the people who live there. Ask them about the schools, amenities, crime and local government.
Buying that dream house is a big decision. Do the research. Make sure it is a decision you are happy to live with for years to come.

Questions about your Home or Auto Insurance?
Visit The Brockman Agency or call us toll free 877-987-8683

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Home Renovation

Avoid the Risks of Do It Yourself Renovations.

    With today’s economy, many people are going the Do It Yourself route on home renovations.  These people, often trying to save money, are taking on projects and risks they are not able to handle competently. Risky projects involving electrical wiring or complicated plumbing, should definitely be handled by certified contractors. Yes, they will cost more money in the short term, but could literally save your family’s life in the long run.
   What about just sprucing up that paint or putting up new wallpaper? That can’t be too hard, right?     If you have a good eye and a steady hand, you can probably paint and wall paper easily enough.
But there can be issues with hazardous materials in the DIY project. Lead can be an issue with older homes. While it is no longer used, lead based paint was common as recently as 1978. Before we knew how harmful it could be, lead was used in paint, gas, water pipes and other products.  You can be exposed to harmful effects if lead based paint isn’t removed properly. Scraping, sanding or burning of lead based paint can harm you and your loved ones. Learn how to safely remove lead based paint.
     Approximately 25% of household fires occur during renovation and repair projects. Water damage can be caused by vibrations from construction work. Poor workmanship can cause water pipes to leak or burst, costing you even more.  If you insist on doing this project yourself, please follow these Safeguards from the EPA. If you are not doing it yourself, make sure you find a Certified Renovations/lead dust technician in your area.   
    Be careful when hiring a contractor. Home Improvement contractor fraud is the #1 complaint to the BBB, according to the National Federation of America’s 2011 Consumer Complaint Survey.  If a contractor/company seeks you out, research them before you let them pull a single nail. Ask to see their Certificate of Insurance. This give you proof of their limits of coverage. Make this a must, regardless of how great of a deal they are giving you. Just remember- if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
If your renovations increase the value of your home, make sure to call your insurance agent and have them increase your dwelling amount. Homeowners insurance is there to help you rebuild your home to the same level it was before a claim. If you have increased the value, your coverage should be increased to reflect the change in value.
   Renovating your home can be exciting.  But not if it is deadly or breaks your bank account!

Questions about your Home or Auto Insurance?
Contact us at  The Brockman Agency   or call toll free 877-987-8683

Friday, October 12, 2012

Texting while Driving

How Distracted Are We and Can We Stop It?

   Each day, more than 15 people are killed and 1,200 people are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. I'd say we are highly distracted these days. Cell phones are the main culprit, but not the only one.
How many times have you tried to input information into your GPS while driving? How about setting up that DVD to entertain your kids?
There are three main types of distraction:
Visual - taking your eyes off of the road.
Manual - taking your hands off the steering wheel
Cognitive - taking your mind off what you are doing.
Texting is the most dangerous of distractions because it involves all three.
    Studies show 11% of drivers are talking on their phones at any given time, according to the New York Times. A Harvard study shows drivers using cell phones cause 2,600 traffic deaths and 570,000 accidents each year.  A CBS/NYT poll shows Americans believe texting while driving should be punished at least as harshly as driving while under the influence.
   Here in Texas we have laws in place to ban Cell phone use and texting by Bus drivers, novice drivers (under 18) and by anyone in a school zone. This is a National issue and not every state has these types of laws in place. Teen drivers are the largest groups of texters. It good to see young stars, like Gabby Douglas and Victoria Justice, promoting the prevention of Texting and Driving. While it is a huge risk for teen drivers, they are not the only ones to worry about. Your experience, or lack of it, will not matter if your eyes and mind are not on the road in front of you.
   There are apps to deter texting while driving. Textecution  is available on most carriers for iPhone and Android. This kills texting functions while driving. If the system recognizes the phone is traveling more than 10 mph, the texting function is disabled. It was designed with parents of teen drivers in mind.MobiLocPlus is a disabling app for Android phones. It works the same way as Textecution, and is free. But who will make the decision to use these apps? Most people think they are great drivers, who can handle the road. Many think they can text and keep control. Until the Unthinkable happens. What if it is you behind the wheel? or your Child?  How in control will you be then?
Don't text and drive. It truly is a matter of Life and Death.

Questions about your Auto or Home Insurance?
Call or click and let us take care of you!  The Brockman Agency
or call Toll free 1-877-987-8683

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention Week is

October 7-13

Careful Planning can help you avoid loss and injury to your family. There are several precautionary measures you can take to get your family to safety in the case of a fire.
1. Establish and practice in escape plan with you entire family.
2. Every family member should know 2 ways out of every room.
3. Everyone should be able to unlock all doors and windows for quick escape.
4. Pick a meeting place outside your home.
5. Practice your escape plan during the day and at night.
6. Never open doors that are hot to the touch.
7. Once you are out of the house, stay out of the house.

Make sure you have smoke detectors on each floor of your home and outside each bedroom. If you can, install a professional system that wires all detectors to a central alarm that will signal throughout the house.
Keep Fire extinguishers accessible to the Kitchen, laundry room and garage.
If you have a fireplace, have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned before each winter. This will clear out soot and creosote that cause "Puffbacks" and chimney fires. Use a screen to contain flying embers. Ashes should be removed immediately.
Conduct a Fire Safety walk-through of your home. Use this Fire Safety Checklist
Other resources:
Baby and Toddler escape planning
Fire Drill Challenge 

For more information go to: National Fire Protection Association

Friday, October 5, 2012

Home Burglary

Can You Prevent a Home Burglary?

There are ways to deter home burglary. 
First, keeping your home exterior well lit at night will help keep burglars away. Installing motion sensitive lights around your home can make it a hard target.  
Second, trim down shrubs and plants that hide windows and doors. Tall bushes provide concealment for burglars trying to get into your home. Keep drapes closed as well, no need to advertise to burglars who may be casing your neighborhood.
Third, add deadbolts to every exterior door. Make sure all exterior doors are solid core. Make sure windows are locked at all times.
Fourth, get a dog. Even a little dog will be a preventative. They will bark and draw attention to anyone entering the home. Dogs know when something isn't right, and they will warn their owners.
Fifth, join or start a Neighborhood Watch program. Having neighbors watch out for each other's homes can greatly deter potential burglars.
These are deterrents, but not guarantees your home won't be burglarized.

So what if you come home from dinner and find your home has been burglarized? What should you do? 
The first thing  you want to do is make sure it is safe to go inside. This is best determined by the Police, so make that call before you go inside.
The second thing to do is determine what has been stolen. If the police are involved, they will have you make a statement, including what was stolen. Make a list, get a copy of the Police report and call your Insurance Company. Do not hesitate to let them know you are traumatized. If you are still in shock over the situation, you may have trouble remembering passwords, PINs and account numbers. Insurance service employees are usually trained to handle this. Let them walk you through the process. They are there to take care of you.

Tips to make sure you are protected properly in the event of a burglary include:
1. Make sure you have enough Personal Property coverage on your insurance policy.
2. Make a Most- Valuable Item list. Do it now, before something like this happens.
3. Put together a folder of receipts, photos and instruction manuals. These will help you determine the proper amount of Personal Property coverage you need. They will also provide proof of purchase when you need to file the claim. The more proof you have, the easier it will be for your Insurance provider to validate the amount of your claim and take care of you quickly.  
Click here for a Home inventory template download